Te Arahou o Aotearoa - Māori Achieving Educational and Cultural Success as Māori

Equipping principals with the knowledge, skills and expertise to lead their schools confidently and competently


Ko wai mātou?


The Māori Achievement Collaborative (MAC) is a non-profit organisation, a professional learning and development pathway by principals for principals focused on changing education outcomes for Māori students. In all: “Leaders helping leaders to become better leaders!” It is visionary and transformational and aims to build the capability of schools to inquire into, recognise and delete barriers impeding improved educational and cultural outcomes for Māori in partnership with students, whānau, hapū and iwi.

 “The thing that is most valuable is hearing the ideas and success other schools have had.  Visiting schools and seeing what is in place has been a real privilege.  Just knowing another leaders journey is useful in terms of helping our own journey and navigating bumps along the way.”



He aha tō mātou mahi?


The underlying premise of this learning and development programme is that ‘Schools won’t change unless the principal does.’ To this end the focus of the programme is on ‘Changing the hearts and minds of principals’ through a process of deep learning, mentoring, coaching, critical conscientisation and collaboration. In this way the belief is that change will become sustainable and enduring and will impact on all members of a school community, staff, students, parents, whānau.


If you’re interested in joining the Māori Achievement Collaborative kaupapa please fill in our Expression of Interest form.


Pēhea te huarahi?


  • A series of facilitated cluster hui per year

 – Whanaungatanga and Collaboration: sharing practice, issues, concerns. Facilitating the development of a cluster strategy: Building knowledge based on prioritised bodies of knowledge and needs identified through inquiry. Facilitating the understanding of key concepts, strategies and documents and developing tools and plans to confidently and competently implement them in schools; 


  • A specified number of 1:1 facilitated hui with each school (differentiated dependent on needs categories).


  • A one day facilitated regional Wānanga

  • A 3 day National Wānanga -Marae based: Living by Māori Values: Whakawhanaungatanga – A common focus: A national collective sharing practice and focusing vision. Whānau/Hapū/Iwi liaison – building school, cluster whānau and hapū/iwi partnerships and the co-construction of cultural curriculum. A common focus: A national collective sharing practice and focusing vision. Whānau/Hapū/Iwi liaison – building school, cluster whānau and hapū/iwi partnerships and the co-construction of cultural curriculum

“What I have been challenged by is bigger than just our school.  I have been given a new lens from which to view things.  I look forward to walking alongside many principals and others… to help polish and refine this lens to improve Māori achievement in Aotearoa.”